Feedback: Guests "had a great time" at Pine Grove for the Beech River Baptist Annual Meeting
We had a wonderful night Monday, October 25 as Pine Grove Baptist hosted the Beech River Baptist Association's single largest assembly, its Annual Meeting. Representatives from Baptist churches across Henderson and Decatur counties met at Pine Grove for a great evening of praise and worship (led by our own Jim Lawson) and heard reports of how our Association brings churches together for the sake of the Gospel. Volunteers helped feed the attendees, and feedback forms have been unanimous that our volunteers did a fantastic job. Much thanks to everyone involved. Pastor David was named the new Vice Moderator for the Association. It was a great night for Pine Grove Baptist, and it would not have been possible without your support.
Wednesday nights in November & December: "Staying the Course with Jeremiah"
In November and December, we'll review the life and writings of the prophet Jeremiah, who had one of the most difficult callings in all of Scripture - to preach and teach a people who were stiff-necked toward God Almighty. Many of us have heard a story or two connected with this prophet, but few people have made him a subject of continuous study, especially a Jesus-centered study focused on Jeremiah's work. Understanding Jeremiah helps us better do our Lord's will today, and like the prophet, we are to "stay the course" even in the face of resistance, trusting God *always* has a plan!
Pine Grove Trail work continues Saturday, Nov. 13
Wet weather set our work back on October weekends, so our plans are to continue Pine Grove Trail work at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, November 13th.
Evening Multi-church Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, Nov. 21 at Sand Ridge Baptist The holidays are fast approaching - November is here now, and as a reminder please mark your calendar that Sunday, November 21 at 6:00 p.m. we will join the evening service at Sand Ridge Baptist for a special multi-church Thanksgiving celebration. Service will begin at 6:00 with a quick meal following.