The Pine Grove family will have a special Lord's Supper service on Thursday, April 1 at 7:00 p.m. in our sanctuary.
This will be the third year we've held a special service on the Thursday of Easter week. In 2019 we enjoyed a worshipful candlelight Lord's Supper service with an extra emphasis on reading the story of Jesus' meal with His disciples, His arrest, trials, crucifixion and burial. In 2020 due to COVID the "candlelight" service was a broadcast from our sanctuary with limited lighting and candles, but again with a heavy emphasis of reading the account of Christ's passion straight from the Bible.
The Thursday service will replace the Wednesday Night Bible Study for that week. We will return to 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study (with a business meeting) on April 7.
We will observe safety precautions with the Lord's Supper distribution, and will work to deliver Lord's Supper elements to our church members staying at home due to COVID concerns. Volunteers are requested to assist with home deliveries. We hope this special evening helps prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits for the coming Easter Sunday morning!